Currently working on Liminal Spaces Foundation - LSF. There is no official release date yet but, it should be between March - May for LSF to release. Stay updated through Discord or social media.

First Teaser Coming Out Between March 17th - March 20th


I am a solo indie game developer that plans to make professional multiplayer and horror games on Steam. I plan to have realistic lore for each game, best quality possible, and least errors in code possible. I am currently working on a backrooms game called Liminal Spaces Foundation - LSF. Liminal Spaces Foundation is an attempt to make the backrooms a more immersive and liminal experience while still having minimal entities. Also it's inspired lore is from the original backrooms post of Revolution Raceway from Oshkosh, Wisconsin and Kane Pixel's video of the backrooms. This is not based or associated with the lore but inspired. Please feel free to join the Discord server to post suggestions for my game it is very appreciated.


Here you can go to the other pages which list each game I've created with all of it's lore. You can also click the Steam button under the game button and it will take you straight to the Steam page. Avoid the page of the game if you're playing that game for the first time, it would make it the best experience.

Contact - For suggestions, requests, and etc.

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Liminal Spaces Foundation

Liminal Spaces Foundation - LSF was founded in 1963 when David Colsanway, a computer engineer at a computer building company, watched the news about more and more people going missing. He was curious and then attempted to create a company to figure out why, because people straight up disappeared with no trace of evidence. He researched through 1959-1963 and found the reason. There were areas in the ground and other places that defied physics. Those areas would allow you to noclip, which means fall through into what's known as the back spaces. He called these noclipping areas and found as many as he could so he block them, research, and explore those areas. Then Colsanway created a portal with complicated servers and computers that would open easy access to the back spaces, to explore even more. Then he gave people jobs to explore the back spaces through that portal, he paid $100+ an hour because of how dangerous and unknown this place was. They placed tape lines just so that they don’t get lost and can’t get back. Somehow people managed to get lost in the unknown dimension. After they did all of this they started creating documents about all of the back spaces they explored and listed them in levels. The most common level that they usually found when noclipped was yellow infinite rooms with fluorescent lights and moldy carpet referred as the back spaces. Colsanway’s sister, Kayla managed to partner up with him since she was curious too what all of this was and who created this crazy, unknown, and distorted reality.

LSF Team

Founder: David Colsanway
Employees: Bill Salwerd, Josh Lenson, Cody Winford, Jacob Kolenstin Kayla Colsanway

Danger Levels

Danger Level 1: Safe - No entities and abnormalities.
Danger Level 2: Cautious - No entities and some abnormalities.
Danger Level 3: Unsafe - Entities and some abnormalities.
Danger Level 4: Dangerous - A lot of entities and some abnormalities
Danger Level 5: Deadly - A lot of entities and a lot of abnormalities.

Length Of Levels

Short: <30 Min
Long: >30 Min

Note: This is not associated or based on the Backrooms Wiki, Kane Pixel's videos, and Revolution Raceway by Bob Mazza. It's inspired by these so please go and support them. Credits to them for the inspiration.

Level 1 - The Back Spaces

Danger Level 3: Unsafe - Entities and some abnormalities.
Length Of Level: Long - >30 Min
About The Level: This is the first level when noclipped through the ground. It’s infinite yellow rooms with moldy carpet and buzzing fluorescent lights. It’s not just yellow rooms though, there is a lot of sublevels in this level that lead to more distorted and changed rooms. There is 1 entity type which is a formation of black mold that can grow, spread continuously, and can kill anyone near it.
Credits to Bob Mazza for the images of the backrooms.

Level 2 - The Pool Spaces

Danger Level 2: Cautious
Length Of Level: Long - >30 Min
About The Level: This is a level that is massive tiled rooms with underground pools and water smelling strong of chlorine. There are no entities in this level but it's possible to encounter an abnormality.
Credits to the creators of the Backrooms Wiki

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